Why Do Serena and Roger Have A Problem With The Dope Tests?

Serena Williams is one of the greatest tennis players of all time, regardless of the mention of gender. It is impossible for a fan of tennis to not have heard the name of Serena Williams!

After all, Serena Williams has been the champion of Wimbledon seven times throughout her illustrious career. However, what Serena Williams needs to learn and understand is that her status might be able to win her favor among the fans but that will certainly not be the case when it comes to the tennis authorities.

Serena Williams has recently raised concerns on the manner in which the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) treated her. According to her, the department is nothing short of a nuisance, forcing players to take out-of-competition tests. However, what caused Serena to truly become enraged was the fact that the anti-doping official arrived slightly earlier at her house than the time that had been decided. While it might not appear to be as big of an issue on paper, it appears as if the official should really send an apology Serena’s way, considering the hoo-ha she has created about the event ever since.

The Swiss superstar, Roger Federer, surprisingly appears to agree with Serena on the matter. According to him, Federer has already been tested five times this year while some of his American counterparts have not been tested at all. On top of that, Federer is of the opinion that Serena’s frustration is justified.

Regardless of what opinion you might hold, the fact of the matter is that the anti-doping officials target above average performers on purpose, to ensure that their dominance is well-deserved. When you consider Federer and his reign at the top, it is only natural for him to be tested more often. Perks of hogging the entire spotlight, I guess!